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[51] Miller, C.V., Bossu, C.M., Sarraco, J.F., Toews, D.P.L., Rushing, C.S.,PDF_Image Roberto‐Charron, A., Tremblay, J.A., Chandler, R.B., DeSaix, M.G., Fiss, C.J. and Larkin, J.L. (2024). Genomics‐informed conservation units reveal spatial variation in climate vulnerability in a migratory bird. Molecular Ecology, 33(1), p.e17199.

[50] Luna, L.W., Williams, L.M., Duren, K., Tyl, R., Toews, D.P.L. and Avery, J.D.,PDF_Image (2023). Whole genome assessment of a declining game bird reveals cryptic genetic structure and insights for population management. Molecular Ecology, 32(20), pp.5498-5513.

[49] Baiz, M.D., Benavides C, A., Miller, E.T., Wood, A.W. and Toews, D.P.L.,PDF_Image (2023). Gut microbiome composition better reflects host phylogeny than diet diversity in breeding wood‐warblers. Molecular Ecology32(2), pp.518-536.

PDF_Image[48] Walsh, J., Billerman, S.M., Butcher, B.G., Rohwer, V.G., Toews, D.P.L., Vila-Coury, V. and Lovette, I.J., (2023). A complex genomic architecture underlies reproductive isolation in a North American oriole hybrid zone. Communications Biology6(1), p.154.

PDF_Image[47] Campagna, L. and Toews, D.P.L., (2023). The genomics of adaptation in birds. Current Biology32(20), pp.R1173-R1186.

PDF_Image[46] Matthews, A.E., Wijeratne, A.J., Sweet, A.D., Hernandes, F.A., Toews, D.P.L  and Boves, T.J., (2023). Dispersal-Limited Symbionts Exhibit Unexpectedly Wide Variation in Host Specificity. Systematic Biology, p.syad014.

[45] Carpenter, J.P., Worm, A.J., Boves, T.J., Wood, A.W., Poston,PDF_Image J.P. & Toews, D.P.L. (2022). Genomic variation in the Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens) suggests divergence in a disjunct Atlantic Coastal Plain population (S. v. waynei). Ornithology. DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukac033.

[44] Toews, D.P.L., Rhinehart, T.A., Mulvihill, R., Galen, S., Gosser, S.M., JohPDF_Imagenson, T., Williamson, J.L., Wood, A.W. & Latta, S.C., (2022). Genetic confirmation of a hybrid between two highly divergent cardinalid species: A rose‐breasted grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus) and a scarlet tanager (Piranga olivacea). Ecology and Evolution12(8), p.e9152.

[43] Hoenig, B. D., Snider, A. M., Forsman, A. M., Hobson, K. A., LattPDF_Imagea, S. C., Miller, E. T., Polito, M. J., Powell, L. L., Rogers, S. L., Sherry, T. W., Toews, D. P. L., Welch, A. J., Taylor, S. S., & Porter, B. A. (2022). Current methods and future directions in avian diet analysis. Ornithology, 139(1). DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukab077, ISBN/ISSN: 0004-8038

[42] James, A. R., Geber, M. A., & Toews, D. P. L.(2022). MolPDF_Imageecular assays of pollen use consistently reflect pollinator visitation patterns in a system of flowering plants. Molecular Ecology Resources22(1), 361-374.

[41] Baiz, M.D., Wood, A.W. and Toews, D.P.L., (2021). Rare hybrPDF_Imageid solves “genetic problem” of linked plumage traits. Ecology, p.e03424.

[40] Toews, D.P.L., Baiz, M.D., Kramer, G.R., Lovette, I.J., Streby, H.M. PDF_Imageand Taylor, S.A. (2021). Extensive historical and contemporary hybridization suggests premating isolation in Vermivora warblers is not strong: A reply to Confer et al. Ecology and Evolution.

[39] Szarmach, S.*, Brelsford, A., Witt, C., and Toews, DPDF_Image.P.L.* (2021) Comparing divergence landscapes from reduced-representation and whole-genome re-sequencing in the yellow-rumped warbler (Setophaga coronata) species complex. Molecular Ecology, in press.

[38] Baiz, M.D., Wood, A.W., Brelsford, A., Lovette, I.J. and Toews, D.P.L., (2021)PDF_Image. PigmentationGenes Show Evidence of Repeated Divergence and Multiple Bouts of Introgression in Setophaga Warblers. Current Biology.

[37] Toews, D.P.L., Kramer, G.R., Jones, A.W., Brennan, C.L., Cloud, B.E., Andersen, PDF_ImageD.E., Lovette, I.J. and Streby, H. (2020). Genomic identification of intergeneric hybrids in New World wood-warblers (Aves: Parulidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society131(1), pp.183-191.

[36] Baiz, M.D., Kramer, G.R., Streby, H.M., Taylor, S.A., Lovette, I.J. and Toews, D.P.LPDF_Image. (2020). Genomic and plumage variation in Vermivora hybrids. The Auk137(3), p.ukaa027.

[35] Wang, S., Rohwer, S., de Zwaan, D.R., Toews, D.P.L., Lovette, I.J., Mackenzie, J. and Irwin, D., PDF_Image(2020) Selection on a small genomic region underpins differentiation in multiple color traits between two warbler species. Evolution Letters.

[34] Toews, D.P.L., Taylor S.A., Streby H.M., Kramer G.R., and I.J. Lovette. (2019). Selection on PDF_ImageVPS13A linked to migration in a songbird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116, 18272-18274.

[33] Kim K.W., Jackson B.C., Zhang H., Toews D.P.L., Taylor S.A., Greig E.I., Lovette I.J., Liu M.M.,PDF_Image Davison A., Griffith S.C. and Zeng,K. (2019). Genetics and evidence for balancing selection of a sex-linked colour polymorphism in a songbird. Nature Communications10: 1852.


[32] Toews, D. P. L., Streby H., Burket L., and S. Taylor (2018). A wood-warbler produced through both interspecific and intergeneric hybridization. Biology Letters, 14: 20180557.

[31] Cozzarolo C.-S., Jenkins T., Toews D. P. L., Brelsford A., and P. Christe (2018).PDF_Image Prevalence and diversity of haemosporidian parasites in the yellow-rumped warbler hybrid zone. Ecology and Evolution, 8:9834–9847.

[30] Irwin D. E., Milá B., Toews D. P. L., Brelsford A., Kenyon H. L., PDF_ImagePorter A. N., Grossen C., Delmore K. E., Alcaide M., and J. H. Irwin (2018) Genomic differentiation and speciation: a comparison of three young avian species pairs. Molecular Ecology, 27: 4839-4855.

[29] Toews D. P. L.*, Lovette I. J., Irwin D. E., and A. Brelsford* (2018). Similar hybrid PDF_Imagecomposition among different age and sex classes in the myrtle-Audubon’s warbler hybrid zone. The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 135: 1133-1145.

[28] Toews D. P. L., Walsh J., and L. Campagna (2018). Population Genomics of Birds: PDF_ImageEvolutionary History and Conservation in Population Genomics: Wildlife. Springer, Editors: Paul Hohenlohe and Om P. Rajora.

[27] Brelsford A.*, Toews D. P. L.*, D. E. Irwin.PDF_Image (2017) Admixture mapping in a hybrid zone reveals loci for avian feather coloration. Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 284: 20171106.

[26] Toews D. P. L., Heavyside J., and D. E. Irwin (2017) Linking the wintering and breeding grounds of warblers along the Pacific Flyway. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 6649–6658.

PDF_Image[25] Toews D. P. L. (2017) From song dialects to speciation in white-crowned sparrows. Molecular Ecology, 26: 2842-2844.

PDF_Image[24] Toews D. P. L., Delmore K. E., Osmond M. M., Taylor P., Irwin D. E. (2017) Migratory orientation in a narrow avian hybrid zone. PeerJ, 5: e3201.

[23] Toews D. P. L. (2017) Habitat suitability and the constraints of migration in New World warblers. Journal of Avian Biology, 48: 1614-1623.

PDF_Image[22] Toews D. P. L.*, Hofmeister N.*, and S. A. Taylor (2017) The evolution and genetics of carotenoid processing in animals. Trends in Genetics, 33: 171-182.

PDF_Image[21] Kenyon H., Alcaide M., Toews D. P. L. and D. E. Irwin (2017). Cultural isolation is greater than genetic isolation across an avian hybrid zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30: 81-95.

[20] Toews D. P. L.*, Taylor S. A.*, Vallender R., Brelsford A., Butcher B. G., Messer P. W., coverand I. J. Lovette (2016). Plumage genes and little else distinguish the genomes of hybridizing warblers. Current Biology, 26: 2313-2318. (Current Biology ‘Dispatch’)

PDF_Image[19] Delmore D. E., Toews D. P. L., Germain R. R., Owens G. L., and D. E. Irwin (2016). The genetics of seasonal migration and plumage colour. Current Biology, 26: 2167-2173. (Current Biology ‘Dispatch’)


[18] Toews D. P. L., Brelsford A., Grossen C., Mila B., and D. E. Irwin (2016). Genomic variation across the yellow-rumped warbler species complex. The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 133: 698-717.


[17] Toews D. P. L.*, Campagna L.*, Taylor S. A.*, Balakrishnan C. N., Baldassarre D. T., Deane-Coe P. E., Harvey M. G., Hooper D. M., Irwin D. E., Judy C. D., Mason N. A., McCormack J. E., McCracken K. G., Oliveros C. H., Safran R. J., Scordato E., StryjewskiK. F., Tigano A., Uy A. J., and B. Winger (2016). Genomic approaches to understanding population divergence and speciation in birds. The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 133: 13-30.

PDF_Image[16] Regan M., Dhillon R., Toews D. P. L., Speers-Roesch B., Sackville M., Pinto S., Bystriansky J., and G. R. Scott (2015). Biochemical correlates of aggressive behaviour in the Siamese fighting fish. Journal of Zoology, 297: 99-107. *Winner of the 2015 Journal of Zoology “Paper of the Year” Award.

PDF_Image[15] Toews D. P. L. (2015). Evolution: A genomic guide to bird population history. Current Biology 25: R448-469.

PDF_Image[14] Toews D. P. L. (2015) Biological species and taxonomic species: will a new null hypothesis help? (a comment on Gill 2014). The Auk: Ornithological Advances, 132: 78-81.

PDF_Image[13] Khadraoui M.* and D. P. L. Toews* (2015) The influence of environmental cues and anthropogenic activity on roost departure times in the Northwestern Crow (Corvus caurinus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology , 127: 739-746.

PDF_Image[12] Toews D. P. L., Brelsford A., and D. E. Irwin (2014) Isotopic variation across the Audubon’s-myrtle warbler hybrid zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27: 1179-1191.

PDF_Image[11] Toews D. P. L., Mandic M., Richards J. G., and D. E. Irwin (2014) Migration, mitochondria and the yellow-rumped warbler. Evolution, 68: 241-255.

PDF_Image[10] Ilievaa M., Toews D. P. L., Bensch S., Sjöholm C. and S. Åkesson (2012) Autumn migratory orientation and displacement responses of two willow warbler subspecies (Phylloscopus trochilus trochilus and P. t. acredula) in South Sweden. Behavioural Processes 91: 253-261.

PDF_Image[9] Toews D. P. L. and A. Brelsford (2012) The biogeography of mitochondrial and nuclear discordance in animals. Molecular Ecology 16: 3907-30.

PDF_Image[8] Seneviratne S., Toews D. P. L., Brelsford A. and D. E. Irwin (2012) Concordance of genetic and phenotypic characters across a sapsucker hybrid zone. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 119–130.

html[7] Toews D. P. L. and Irwin D. E. (2012) Pacific Wren (Troglodytes pacificus). In The Birds of North America (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab or Ornithology.

PDF_Image[6] Safran R., Flazman S., Kopp M., Irwin D. E., Briggs D., Evans M. R., Funk C., Gray D. A., Hebet E. A., Seddon N., Scordato E., Symes L. B., Tobias J. A., Toews D. P. L. and Uy J. Albert (2012) A robust new metric of phenotypic distance to estimate and compare multiple trait differences among populations. Current Zoology 58: 426−439.

PDF_Image[5] Toews D. P. L., Brelsford A. and D. E. Irwin (2011) Hybridization between Townsend’s and black-throated green warblers in an avian suture zone. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 434-446.

PDF_Image[4] Kenyon H. L., Toews D. P. L. and D. E. Irwin (2011) Can song discriminate between MacGillivray’s and mourning warblers in a narrow hybrid zone? The Condor 113: 655-663.

PDF_Image[3] Milá B., Toews D. P. L., Smith T. B. and R. K. Wayne (2011) A cryptic contact zone between divergent mtDNA lineages in southwestern North America supports past introgressive hybridization in the yellow-rumped warbler complex (Aves: Dendroica coronata). Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 103: 696-706.

PDF_Image[2] Irwin D.E., Brelsford A., Toews D.P.L., MacDonald C. and M. Phinney (2009) Extensive hybridization in a contact zone between MacGillivray’s and mourning warblers (Oporornis tolmiei and O. philadelphia) detected using molecular and morphometric analyses. Journal of Avian Biology 40:539-552.

PDF_Image[1] Toews D.P.L. and D. E. Irwin (2008) Cryptic speciation in a holarctic passerine revealed by genetic and bioacoustic analyses. Molecular Ecology 17: 2691-2705.

*Authors contributed equally,  undergraduate author 

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